At that time travel was not easy; one could not run away to Washington or Brazil, nor was there any International Settlement in a treaty port, nor even any Hong Kong. 那时出门可不容易,不能跑到华盛顿或巴西,也不可能在任何一个通商口岸寻求国际避难,甚至也没有香港这类地方。
As a treaty port, Tianjin had for a long time two water supply systems, due to the existence of foreign concessions and the division of municipal administration. 天津作为一个商埠城市,租界的存在和城市行政的分割,使得水供给逐渐形成两大系统。
The non treaty port is one of the important types of trading ports in modern China. 自开商埠是近代中国重要的通商口岸类型。
In1842 the Treaty of Nanjing saw the opening of Shanghai as a treaty port. 该条约在1842年南京看到了开放的上海为通商口岸。
Then it was called the treaty port in1860, and became the second-largest city on industrial and financial and commercial center after Shanghai of China. 1860年被辟为通商口岸,成为当时中国仅次于上海的第二大工商业城市和北方最大的金融商贸中心。
Even before its designation as a Treaty Port in1842, Shanghai located at the mouth of the Yangtze River served as China's most important international trading hub. 即使在其指定作为一项条约港口在1842年,上海-设在长江口-作为中国最重要的国际贸易枢纽的地位。
Gone was the era of gunboat diplomacy, gone the treaty port concessions, gone the specially conceded naval bases, the military missions, the ill-disguised interference in Chinese affairs. 炮舰外交的时期已经一去不复还了。开辟通商口岸、设立租界、租借海军基地、出兵中国、公然干涉中国内政&这一切也都一去不复返了。
Upper class of Chinese people residing in foreign concessions and lower class living on the edge of city, there form a mode of social space as center-edge in treaty port city. 华人上层聚居租界和社会下层的边缘化,形成了中心-边缘型通商口岸城市社会空间的一种模式。
Foreign trade plays a very important part in the development of a country's modernization. From the perspective of modernization, this article makes a detailed research on the impact of China's foreign trade during 1930-1936 upon China's industrialization, treaty port urbanization, etc. 对外贸易是一个国家现代化发展过程中的重要构成部分,本文从现代化的角度对1930&1936年间的中国对外贸易对中国的工业化、通商口岸城市化等的影响进行了详细研究。
In the view of Western Powers, treaty port area scope has expanded, after Tianjin Treaty, to within 100 li. 在列强看来,《天津条约》订立以后,通商口岸的范围已扩大到一百里以内。
After the Opium War, Shanghai was indicated as a treaty port. Its special position was established due to the setting up of the Concession. 上海在鸦片战争后被辟为通商口岸,因租界的设立而确立起特殊的地位。
The scope of modern China treaty port area is vital to the limits of treaty benefits. 中国近代通商口岸的范围问题是直接涉及条约权利受益范围的重要问题。
Non-treaty Port was different from treaty port in modern China. 自开商埠是近代中国不同于条约口岸的另一种口岸类型。
Among them, as the earliest modernized cities, the treaty port cities, opened to the outside under the threaten of those invading western countries and through their unequal treaties. 其中,条约口岸作为中国最先向近代转型的一类城市,是在列强的胁迫下,通过签订不平等条约开放的。
Formation of the Treaty Port Network and Changes of Modern Chinese City System: Based on the Survey of the Population History 通商口岸体系的形成与中国近代城市体系的变动&基于人口史的考察
In late Qing Dynasty, traditional commerce in Shandong province was overwhelmed with the open of treaty port and ingression of foreign capital. The structure of domestic and foreign trade here underwent great changes. 晚清时期,随着通商口岸开放与外资的侵入,山东传统商业遭受冲击,商贸结构、内外贸易都发生了巨大变化。
Shanghai becomes the main port southern Jiangsu silk exports after it establish treaty port in the middle and late Qing dynasty. 清中后期上海设立通商口岸,随后成为苏南蚕丝出口的主要口岸。
The treaty port of Jiujiang effect the structure of Jiangxi foreign trade firstly. Especially the traditional handicrafts and mining-based merchandise trade has take a great change, such as the volume, the value and the types have been increased. 九江开埠通商最先影响的是江西的对外贸易结构,尤其是以传统手工业和矿业为主的商品贸易得到了巨大的改变,主要表现为贸易数量和贸易价值量的增加以及贸易种类的多样化。
As the first treaty port of Shanghai, since the early years, the economy has obtained the rapid development, quickly became a commercial metropolis. 作为近代第一批通商口岸的上海,自开埠以来,经济获得了飞速的发展,迅速成为一座商业化大都市。
After Xiamen became a treaty port, some British and American missionaries came to Gulangyu, who built churches, set up missionary schools and preached their religions. 厦门开放为通商口岸后,便有英美传教士进入鼓浪屿,修建教堂,开设学校,传道布教。
The tributary trading system has collapsed and the treaty port trading system was established, which brought China into the beginning of modernization. 传统朝贡贸易体系的崩溃和条约口岸贸易体系的逐渐形成开始将中国推上近代化的快车。